League News


MWF Annual Report - June 2024

Good Morning MWF Families,

Please find attached the 2023/2024 Annual Report.

MWF Annual Report_June 2024

Jun 24, 2024

Parent Consultation - July 7th

MWF Famiies
Mark Your Calendars - Parent Consultation
July 7, 2024
6:30pm to 8:00pm
Greenfoot Energy Centre, Multi-Purpose Room
MWF will be hosting a Parent Consultation meeting regarding plans for next season. Angela Lewis (President), Mike Almond (VP, Hockey Standards) and Jordan Burke (Technical Director) will be reviewing the upcoming season.
This is an in-person session. If you are unable to attend and have questions or comments, please contact Angela Lewis president@metrowestforce.com in advance of the meeting so that they may be shared.
Jun 24, 2024

AGM, Executive Positions and By-Law Amendments

Hello MWF Families,

As a reminder, the MWF AGM is being held Sunday, June 2, 2024 at the Greenfoot Energy Centre (formally HRM 4-Pad) at 6:30pm in the multi-purpose room, Members are encouraged to attend in-person or virtually (a link to the meeting will be released to Members next weekend). Please take the time to review the information below.
Agenda: You will find the proposed agenda for the AGM here 
2022/2023 AGM Minutes: You will also find the minutes from the 2022/2023 AGM here. These minutes will be approved at this year's AGM.
Executive Positions Available: At this time we have the following interested candidates for the MWF Executive for the 2024-2025 season:
  • President - Angela Lewis and Jennifer Clarkson (an email was released to Members earlier this week sharing bios of each candidate; and is also posted to our website)
  • VP Hockey for Life - Krista Stewart
  • Director Coach Development - Chris Larade
  • Director Membership Growth - Keri Irwin
  • Director Membership Experience - Michelle Flanagan
We are still looking for interested candidates for the following positions:
  • VP Safe Sport
  • Director Hockey Operations
If you are interested in volunteering please be sure to visit our website (https://metrowestforce.com/l/68/MWF/news/8046/MWF-Board-Positions-Available/) to review the positions available and how to put your name forward.
Thank you to all interested individuals!
We are accepting candidates for all available MWF executive positions up until the AGM.
If only one nomination exists for a position, that person will win by acclamation. Should two or more nominations exist for a position, a vote will be held at the Annual General Meeting to determine who will hold the position for the upcoming season.
By-Law Amendment: A by-law amendment was released to Members that was submitted for Membership vote at the AGM. The amendment can be found here.  The proposed amendment to by-law 6.16 are highlighted in grey.
May 26, 2024

MWF - Executive Positions Available - Update

Good Day MWF Families,
As you know our AGM will be held on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 6:30pm at the HRM 4-Pad in the multi-purpose room.  
There are several positions open on the Executive including:
- President 
- Vice-President Hockey for Life 
- Vice-President Safe Sport 
- Director Coach Development 
- Director Membership Growth 
- Director Hockey Operations
- Director Membership Experience
At this time we have two candidates interested in the President role and the document below introduces both of them.
MWF President Candidates
Positions that have 2 or more interested individuals will require a vote by the Membership. 
All positions are open to interested candidates up until the AGM. If you are interested in volunteering please be sure to visit the MWF website for more details on the positions available and how to submit your interest. 
May 22, 2024
