U18 Evaluations 2024


The following schedule is in place for the U18 Evaluations, please be sure to monitor the website for updates prior to each session.

Scroll down to see group for Session #1.


U18 Tryouts
Date Time Group
Phase 1
Sept 21, 2024
3-4:30 PM U18 Group 2
4:30-6 PM U18 Group 1
Phase 2
Sept 22, 2024
2-3:30 PM U18 Group 2
3:30 - 5 PM U18 Group 1
Phase 3
Sept 26, 2024
7-8 PM U18 Group 2
8-9 PM U18 Group 1
Phase 4
Sept 27, 2024
6-7 PM U18 Group 2
7-8 PM U18 Group 1
Phase 5
Sept 28, 2024
12-1 PM U18 Group 2
1-2 PM U18 Group 1


Goalie Session: Wednesday, September 18: 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Please note, schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

A few housekeeping items to keep in mind as we head into evaluation season:

  • Please read the Evaluation Policy posted on our website 2024 Evaluation Policy prior to evaluations. This document outlines the process and expectations of a competitive player at MWF. Please read through carefully
  • Participation in MWF Evaluations indicates that you have read, understood and agree to the process and policies outlined in the MWF Evaluation Policy.
  • All schedules and groupings will be posted on the website under the Evaluation tab under the specific level.  It is the responsibility of the Member to monitor the website during evaluations for updates.  There will be movement of players, please be sure to review new groupings and schedules carefully prior to each session.
  • Players must sign in at the MWF registration desk outside Rink A at GEC no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of their session.
  • All players are to collect their numbered jersey at Session #1. Players are not to trade jerseys at any time.  There will be a charge for any tryout jerseys not returned.
  • There will be no access to the rink during the evaluations. If parents would like to watch, we ask that you watch from outside the rink on the 2nd floor. Evaluators and volunteers only are permitted inside the rink doors and in the hallway outside the dressing rooms.
  • Only Dressing Room monitors and other volunteers will have access to the hallway outside the Dressing Rooms.  If your player requires help with gear, the Dressing Room Monitors will be there to help.
  • MWF does not tolerate any disrespectful, abusive or bullying behaviour. Any such behaviour, in person or via email, may affect a player's membership in Metro West Force, among other possible repercussions.


Phase 5 - Saturday, September 28 (updated September 27)

Groupings for Phase 5 can be found here U18_Phase 5 


Phase 4 - Friday, September 27 (updated September 27)

Groupings for Phase 4 can be found here U18_Phase 4 


Phase 3 - Thursday, September 26 (updated September 22)

Groupings for Phase 3 can be found here U18_Phase 3 


Phase 2 - Sunday, September 22 (updated September 21)

There are no changes to the groups for Phase 2.

Phase 1 - Saturday, September 21
(updated September 20)

Groupings for Session #1 can be found here U18_Phase 1