League News


Junior Coach and Leadership Program

Metro West Force is excited to share with you that, based on the success of the Junior Coach and Leadership pilot from last season, we will be making it a yearly program that will be available to all of our U13 and up players going forward. 
The program will begin on October 2nd, and we will share more details on the program as we get closer. Please refer to the flyer for more details on the program (2022-2023 - MWF Jr Coaching and Leadership Flyer) and contact juniorcoaching@metrowestforce.com if you have any additional questions. 
Registration will close on Friday, September 23rd. 
To register, please click here here.
Thank you on behalf of the Junior Coach and Leadership team! 
Sep 19, 2022

Conditioning Camp Schedule and Assignments

******  UPDATED Sept 27th  ******

Final schedule - U11 schedule changed.  Added make up session.


schedule and assignments are below:


U11 Conditioning Camp List 2022-2023 (7)

U13 Conditioning Camp List 2022-2023 (6)

U18-15 Conditioning Camp List 2022-2023 (5)

Sep 18, 2022

2022 Sept - President's Message

Included is the president's message

Presidents Message Sept

Sep 14, 2022

2022 Evalutations

The 2022 Evaluations details are posted.  

You can find them here


Sep 11, 2022

Season League Structure

**** Update Sept 6th ****
Good day All, 
We wanted to send out what the proposed structure will be for the 22-23 season. Right now, in consultation with the 7 Associations and Hockey Nova Scotia the proposed levels will be:
U18AA, U18A, Rec/C
U15AAA, U15AA, U15A, Rec/C
U13AAA, U13AA, U13A, Rec/C
U11AA, U11A, Rec/C
The only way this would be subject to change is if the number of teams can't sustain the division. We also want to note that depending on tryouts/registration numbers and the number of teams created, players may be assigned to any level including C/Recreation Division. We also wanted to add we will provide/lend goalie gear for the U11 division for the season.
As you can see, C/Recreation Division is being offered again this year. C/Recreation Division this year will be an in-house program managed solely by Metro West Force. It will not be on a Provincial Loop.
For further details on the C/Recreation Division please click HERE
We feel it is important that everyone has all the information for them to consider and make the best decision they can make for their players for the upcoming season.
To that end, Registration for U13, U15 and U18 Competitive levels will close on the 10th. U11 will close on the 24th. C/Recreation, U9, and U7 Close October 8th. This will allow everyone to have the maximum amount of time to consider what is best for them.
Metro West Force Executive
Sep 5, 2022