League News


Important Evalaution and Tryout Info now available

All evaluation and try out info is now available.  Please click here for all the info

Sep 14, 2023

Conditioning Camp

MWF Families

Below are the latest groups and schedule for the conditioning camps

2023 MWF Conditioning Camp Groups

Conditioning Camp Schedule


Sep 1, 2023

Registration for the 2023-2024 season is now open

Registration for the 2023-2024 season is now open - please here for details

Aug 15th Update: Conditioning Camps are available for U9-U18.  See details on our registration page mentioned above

Jul 30, 2023

New Technical Director

Good Day, 
At our AGM yesterday we announced, and signed, our new Technical Director.
Jordan Burke has joined the MWF Team and has committed to pushing our teams to the next level. 
Jordan comes with an impressive resume which includes him being a Certified Hockey Canada Skills Coach.  He has played and Coached in many levels of the game and is no stranger on what comes with it. His level of enthusiasm, drive and excitement to join our Team is equally matched.
We welcome Jordan to the team and look forward to what's to come this season!
Jun 27, 2023

June 25th AGM Agenda

The agenda for the June 25th AGM can be found here 

Jun 18, 2023

AGM Information

Good Day, 

This is an update prior to our AGM being held on Sunday, June 25th at 7:30pm at St. Mary’s University - 920 Tower Road, Homburg Centre Room 211 (second floor).

You may attend in-person or virtually.  A virtual link will be sent out by email to all members prior to this date.

Highlighted AGM voting items:

Item 1:

There is one By-Law amendment to submit for membership vote. This was suggested last year which surrounding Diversity and Inclusion. The suggested amendment is bolded and underlined below:


2.1. MWFHA is a member of Hockey Nova Scotia, the governing body of amateur hockey in Nova Scotia; an amateur hockey player is one who is not participating in organized professional hockey.

2.2. MWFHA shall conduct itself to the betterment of female hockey within the Halifax Region as defined by Hockey Nova Scotia. MWFHA recognizes that historically, hockey has not been welcoming to women as participants, coaches, or leaders. MWFHA believes that the betterment of female hockey can only be achieved with greater participation from women in all roles, including leadership of the organization.

2.3. MWFHA shall exercise the authorities granted to it by Hockey Nova Scotia, and as a Member of Hockey Nova Scotia shall comply with the by-laws, policies, rules, and regulations of Hockey Nova Scotia and its Councils.

2.4. MWFHA shall create a Board of Directors which is responsible for the administration, maintenance, and management of the Association's By-Laws and Policies.

This by-law amendment will be voted on at the AGM.

Item 2:

We will have vacancies on the board for next season that will be called for election. We have some positions that fall under By-Law 6.6. As per 6.6., ‘any vacancy on the Board that arises between elections will be filled by appointment by the Board until the next Annual General Meeting. All vacancy appointments shall be approved by the Board of Directors via majority vote.’

The two positions that fall under this are:

1. VP Finance - held by Kelly Peck 

2. Director of Membership Growth - held by Angela Lewis. 

These positions have been Board elected and we must carry them forward to the membership for election to the end of term as per the by-law.

Two other positions will be vacated and require new applicants:

1. Director of Administration

2. Director of Membership Experience

Please find the role descriptions below:

Director Admin

Director Member Experience

Director Member Growth

VP Finance

If anyone is interested in submitting for either of these positions or have further questions about them, please contact Tim Sheppard at president@metrowestforce.com.


Hope to see you at the AGM!

Metro West Force Executive

Jun 13, 2023