
Conflict Resolution Policy


Policy Forms

Complaint Resolution Policy - Printable

Complaint Resolution Policy Chart

Complaint Intake Form

Parent Code Of Conduct

Player Code Of Conduct


1.  For the purposes of this Policy, the following definitions are as follows:

a.  The Association: Metro West Force Female Hockey Association

b.  Outside Agency: Any Entity that may host, house, invite or have any affiliation or contact with the Association and any part thereof.

c.  Team: Any team registered through the Association’s Registrar and entered into an Official Hockey Canada and/or Hockey Nova Scotia Roster.

d.  Head Coach: Any Qualified and Certified person in good standing as designated by The Association to a Team recognized and under the control of The Association.

e.  Team Affiliate: Any Qualified and Certified person in good standing as designated by The Association to a Team recognized and under the control of The Association including, but not limited to, Assistant Coach, Treasurer, Trainer, Safety Person, and Parent Volunteer.

f.  Team Player: Any Player listed on an Association Team Roster.

g.  Player Parent: Any parent, legal guardian, or family member to a Team Player.

h.  Code of Conduct: Any listed Code of Conduct entered in the Association Policy inclusive of but not limited to the Player Code of Conduct Form and Parent Code of Conduct Form.

i.  Complainant: Any individual who submits a complaint via this policy.

j.  Complaint Intake Form: Report to be submitted to The Association through Risk Management.

k.  The Executive: Executive member elected to the Association board.

l.  Complaint Resolution: Decision of a submitted complaint.

2.  Statement:

a. The Purpose of this Policy is to promote safety and transparency while allowing concerns to be brought forward. This will allow the Association to hear concerns and adapt, in put our best foot forward and provide only the best for our players. This policy does not negate any other policy of any other governing body of the Association including, but not limited to Hockey Nova Scotia and Hockey Canada.

3. Policy Maintenance and Review: 

a. This Policy is to be managed and reviewed by the Risk Management Profile.

b. The intake complaints are to be held in the shared repository of the Association at that time and made available to the Executive.

c. This policy is maintained by Risk Management. However, discretion in final say of a Complaint Resolution falls to the President or Designate.

d. Submitted complaints are to be given a complaint number consisting of the last two numbers of the season year and the sequential number of complaint we are currently at. For example, for the third incident of the 2019-2020 season, it will be 19/20-3.

e. Form Intake: Complainants who complete forms are to mail the completed forms to complaints@metrowestforce.com.

f. Upon intake of a complaint, Risk Management will advise and involve the applicable divisions of the Association to best manage the complaint and achieve an appropriate disposition. For further clarification, please refer to the Complaint Resolution Policy Chart.

g. Timelines for the Complaint Resolution Policy will be as follows:

    • Complainant will be advised of receipt of complaint when received and read by Risk Management. (24-48 hrs)
    • Complaint Investigation: (Up to 7 Days after receipt of complaint is sent to Complainant). Should this take longer, the complainant will be advised of the expected date of completion and the reasons for the delay.
    • Mediation: Should this step be needed, required people as per the Complaint Resolution Chart will be contacted and a mutual time arranged.
    • Final Decision and notification: Up to 7 days upon Completion of the Investigation or Mediation.

h. Cooperation in an investigation is not negotiable and will be considered a breach of Code of Conduct should a request for information be refused.

i. Upon receipt of a Complaint Intake Form the following will take place.

    • Risk Management shall provide it with an incident number. 
    • Risk Management shall make contact with the Complainant to ensure there is not confusion on the issue being submitted. Once this is done, the complaint will be viewed as solely what is on the submission.
    • Risk Management may reach out to identified Association members who are believed to have information pertaining to a complaint.
    • Upon compilation of the information. Risk Management will advise the appropriate Executive members where a Complaint Resolution will be determined.
    • Upon issuing a Complaint Resolution, the Complaint and Disposition will then be placed on the Association Shared Drive.

j. This Policy pertains to Team Affiliates, Head Coaches, Team Player and Player Parent of the Association. Should an incident occur involving an Outside Agency or a Team not affiliated with the Association, the Association will compile the information for the complaint and inquire about the respective complaint process for the Outside agency should it be decided to be pursued.

4. Incident Dispositions:

a. The Executive Board (Voting Member) reserves the right to resume AND initiate an investigation into any issues it becomes aware of.

b. The Executive reserves the right to assign any sanction or penalty as agreed to by the Executive. This may include, but is not limited to a letter of warning or dismissal from the Association.

c. There will be no directed retention date on Incident reports.

d. Should the Complaint Resolution be in dispute, the President may review the findings to assess the findings of the complaint. This call will be final from the Association standpoint.

e. Hockey Canada and/or Hockey Nova Scotia may become involved and advised through all proceedings at the discretion of the Association, unless governing policy dictates they be involved.

f. It is the discretion of the Executive to release a copy of any Conflict Resolution Intake form and/or Conflict Resolution.

g. A written/typewritten disposition will be provided to the Complainant. This will be done via email unless there are reasons why this cannot be done.

5. Public and/or Internal Complaints:

a. Anyone may submit an Incident Report to the Association on points they feel need to be addressed.