
League News




Hello MWF Members;


We are very excited to be finalizing everything to get moving on with the 21-22 Hockey Season!!

Unfortunately, we are still living with COVID, and with that we have to make sure we do what we can to keep the kids on the ice in the safest way possible. We will be governed by two separate policies: 1) HNS Vaccination Policy and 2) Our Facilities policy (a unique policy set by each facility)


Hockey Nova Scotia (HNS) has recently put out the Vaccination Policy. The main points are listed below, but the policy can be found HERE if you have further questions. In short, this policy covers the following:

Affected people”: Team Officials (coaches, trainers, and managers, etc.), Game Officials (referees,

linespersons, timekeepers, etc.), Volunteers (safety rep, dressing room reps, facilitators, evaluators, etc.) and Players who fall under mentioned age groups (below).

All “Affected people” must present to the appropriate MWF Safety Reps, evidence satisfactory to HNS demonstrating that they have received the completed series of an Accepted COVID-19 Vaccine.


NOTE: MWF will not retain personal health information. MWF will visually verify proof and check the attendance that they are able to participate.

-          Athletes (age 13 to 18) – who are fully vaccinated can participate on or after October 4th.

-          Athletes (age 13 to 18) – who are partially vaccinated can participate on or after October 4th, but must provide proof of full vaccination by November 9th: they must get a first dose no later than September 28 and a second dose no later than October 26. Athletes will NOT BE ABLE to participate until proof of full vaccine has been verified.

-          Athletes who turned 12 between January 1st and October 4th of this year will have until Dec. 31 to provide proof of full vaccination. After December 31, athletes will NOT BE ABLE to participate until proof of full vaccine has been verified.

-          Athletes who turned 12 after October 4th of this year will have three months from their birthday to get fully vaccinated and provide proof of full vaccination. After the 3-month period, athletes will NOT BE ABLE to participate until proof of full vaccine has been verified.

-          All other “Affected people” (see above) – will not be able to participate until full proof of vaccination has been verified. All “Affected people” are required to be Fully Vaccinated (i.e., including the 14-day period after receiving their completed dose) by October 4, 2021, or earlier.” This is inclusive of all bench and team positions.



If you are looking to obtain the province proof of vaccination, please visit https://novascotia.flow.canimmunize.ca/en/portal


Proof of Vaccinations will be conducted by the Safety Reps (at tryouts and again within teams) via direction from Risk Management. Furthermore, please contact Risk Management in the case you have a documented medical exemption.

We are still awaiting final confirmation from our Facilities on their policy. Facility policies will cover off all things related to people who wish to enter the building to watch (EG: FANS, folks wanting to watch, come in to tie skates, etc.)


Given the unknown around these policies and the administrative impact, unfortunately we can not permit spectators for our TRYOUT process. We will continue to work with our partners on the facilities side to ensure we are in compliance with their requirements. This will be finalized by our Season Start.


We really appreciate your patience and understanding given this evolving situation. We, like you, still have questions on what this will look like in the end. The HNS Vaccination policy has been attached for your reference, but also feel free to reach out to riskmanagement@metrowestforce.com should you have additional questions.


Sep 27, 2021